Terra Cloud

Cloud services from Germany - Housing, Hosting, IaaS and SaaS
Wortmann AG’s Terra Cloud offers comprehensive cloud services. With data centers in Germany and full DSGVO compliance, it is the optimal cloud for companies in Germany and the EU.

Terra Cloud Housing
Run your existing servers in the Terra data center. The highly available infrastructure of TERRA CLOUD provides a secure location for your servers. Power supply, network connection, fire protection and access control meet the highest security standards, which can hardly be achieved in conventional server rooms.
Terra Cloud Hosting
Rent your individual hardware in the Terra Cloud, according to your requirements, in a highly available and modern data center.
All TERRA CLOUD servers have a redundant connection to power and network and include a firewall as a virtual machine. Monitoring functions can be added optionally. Your hardware is centrally monitored by TERRA CLOUD team members.

Terra Cloud IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service
Your virtualized IT infrastructure in the Wortmann data center. Use servers, storage, network and other infrastructure as a service from the Terra Cloud. You retain control over the operating system and applications. The installation of software and the maintenance of the virtual servers remain with you. Each virtual server receives its hard disk storage from a highly available storage cluster. Network, Internet, power and storage are redundantly connected.
You will receive a firewall VM with every newly booked TERRA Cloud package. This turns your network into a private network in the cloud that can be extended with additional servers. In addition, you can add security packages as needed and without effort.
Terra Cloud SaaS - Software as a Service
Software products without initial investment, individually scalable as needed. Terra Cloud not only takes responsibility for the backend, but also for the software. The ability to use software on demand saves the installation and configuration of the application servers and is available immediately after order

Terra Cloud Backup
Increase your data security with a fully automated backup of your data to the cloud. Your backups are replicated geo-redundantly to a second data center in Germany. Benefit from a simple billing model. What counts is not the storage space required, but the amount of data to be backed up, which is backed up in up to 41 restore points spread over the year.
Hybrid Backup allows you to create an additional local copy of your backups. When it comes to recovery, you have several options – locally, as a VM in the cloud, or on new hardware delivered to you ready to use.
Terra Cloud Storage
Storage space on highly available storage clusters in the cloud. All resources and the hardware used (chassis, HDDs) are designed redundantly. Whether you need a lot of storage space
or need high performance, by providing three storage options you always get the capacity and performance you need combined with maximum resilience. Expand your storage quickly and easily, as needed.